Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lisa Delpit "Other People's Children"


1. "They just don't listen well. No, they listen, but they don't hear-" A black woman teacher says this about her white fellow teachers. She explains how her voice is not being heard by them, they listen to what she says but will do what they want anyway. She is forced to shut them out as not to lose her temper with them.
2."The teacher cannot be the only expert in the classroom. To deny students their own expert knowledge is to disempower them." Students should be given opportunities to share thier own experiences. The classroom should be a collaborative learning environment for teachers and students.
3"Many liberal educators hold that the primary goal for education is for children to become autonomous, to develop fully who they are in the classroom setting without having arbitrary, outside standards forced upon them." Teachers need to empower students to work to their highest potential without the pressures of standards and test scores .


  1. My experience in the classroom has shown that students enjoy being the experts. Children love to share what they have learned with others and it's nice to see them take pride in their work. When a student asks a question that I don't know the answer to, I'm honest with them and tell them that I'm not sure what the answer is. I suggest that we look to find the answer together. I think they appreciate when the teacher is honest and acknowledges that they don't know a lot about a topic.

  2. Good start here, but say more. How do these quotes relate to Delpit's overall claims here?
